Online learning seems to be a privilege

Virtual Charter Schools in Georgia are experiencing quite a bit of frustration, because the Charter School Commission won’t give funding to the virtual schools. They actually cut down all of the funding, not just virtual, to all the children. The Commission had origionally found that each student would cost $8,800, but they dropped that amout … Continue reading

In L.A., high schoolers learn online

High Schools in L.A. are starting to catch the Online Course bug. Students are now able to take classes online solely for their curriculum or as a part of their curriculum. The results have been great since many kids who wouldn’t be taking classes are jumping on the bandwagon. The online school is called, Los … Continue reading

How can online education be engaging?

Currently, there are skeptics concerned with whether or not online education is engaging enough for children. I’m here to set the record straight, because I have personally taken courses online from my college. There is definitely a degree of responsiblity that comes along with taking an online course. But was it less engaging? No, for me it … Continue reading

Is online learning better than a traditional classroom?

SRI International conducted a study over 12 years to see the effects of online education compared to that of a classroom. The study found “on average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.The Department of Education found that, on average, students doing some or all of the course online would … Continue reading

Learning to better our future

There is quite a bit of talk and debate over the current education system. Surprisingly some Economists started in the 1980’s to see the effect of outstanding kindergarden education and where the adults are now in their lives. As the Economists have stated, “We don’t really care about test scores. We care about adult outcomes.” … Continue reading