I’ve been caught in a fallacy…

(Photo Courtesy of …a logical fallacy. An either/or fallacy to be exact. Previously when I have written like you could only chose either online education or classroom learning. However, this eSchool Special Report pointed out something very obvious that I had been neglecting all along: you don’t have to choose online education OR the traditional … Continue reading

Tablet computers: another reason for education to go online

Tablets, slates, pads, whatever else you want to call them, it does not matter. What does matter is the rapid adoption that not only techies, but everyone is taking part in. Daily Finance predicts Apple iPad sales alone to reach 28 million devices in 2011, and that’s just one manufacturer. Samsung will launch the Samsung … Continue reading

NASBE: a push for educational technology

(Photo courtesy of  The Graph Exploration System) In the past, technology was a privilege in the classroom. Now the National Association of State Boards of Education  (NASBE) is pushing for education to meet the modern needs of today; NASBE want technology in every classroom. This change will come about under the Next Generation in Learning: Transforming … Continue reading

‘A Vision of K-12 Students Today’

(Photo Courtesy of VT-STEM) We found this video of children sharing their contemporary vision of education. It embraces today’s ways of constant technology integration by highlighting what a large part of their everyday lives technology is. What did you think of the video?

Technology the only way for education advances

Strides have been made in the past in our education system. The average teacher/student ratio is now 15-1, which is down from 27-1 in 1970 (Statemaster; FCW). Jim Shelton, assistant deputy secretary for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement, calls further advancements in the classroom without technology “unlikely.” With the National Technology Education Plan, … Continue reading

Put in the work now…

(photo courtesy of A loves Dc.) …skimping can cost your company. Starting a company is an extremely difficult task. There are so many decisions that need to be made, such as: how much do I spend on a website? Should I start it from scratch? How much money am I looking at spending? Where am … Continue reading

Obama: science, technology, engineering and math are the future

(Photo courtesy of Education is Destiny) If you had to choose the subject of the future, what would it be? Could you even choose? President Obama certainly did with the new STEM Initiative. STEM, which stands for science, technology, engineering and math, includes $260 million to help move American students back to the top of … Continue reading