Learning in a flash

Teachers, tutors, parents, you name it, always suggest flashcards as an aid to learn new material. Flashcards are arguably the best way to learn terms, vocabulary, symbols, and more. They are my favorite study aid once they are made, but I always find the process of making them too tedious for my time restraints and attention span.

Today, however, the Internet provides numerous resources to help speed up the process, my favorites being Memorize and Cramberry. On these free websites (with optional upgrades), you can sift through their databases of previously created flashcards to find the subject that fits your needs. If they do not have cards already available, you can create your own and practice them through their clean and easy-to-use interfaces.

No more excuses that you left your flashcards at home; Cramberry also provides iPhone, iPod, and iPad apps for learning on-the-go.

Memorize uses an alternative strategy with lists, tables, and even the occasional graphic to drill you on your subject of choice.

Do flashcards work best for you? What are your favorite study tools?

Other flashcard resources:

One Response to “Learning in a flash”
  1. Viola, are you sure 🙂

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